Tuition and Fees

How can I view my account balance?  开放
Are there any fees that I can get waived?  开放

Payments and Installment Plans

Is there a payment plan for the Summer?  开放
住房和膳食计划包括在分期付款计划中吗?  开放


When do refunds begin?  开放
How do I receive my refund?  开放


When will I receive my 1098T form?  开放
我没有收到我的1098T表格,我怎样才能得到一份副本?  开放
My 1098T is incorrect.  开放
Why Didn’t I Receive a 1098T?  开放
My SSN is incorrect on my 1098-T?  开放
How do I get a reprint of my 1098-T?  开放


How much is parking?  开放
Can I have parking billed to my account?  开放
我可以付钱替我的朋友取成绩单吗?  开放
What will happen if I graduate owing a bill?  开放
How do I change my mailing address?  开放
我要缴纳国际健康保险.  Can I get this charge waived?  开放