
药学管理系 & 行政卫生科学  Close
药学管理和行政健康科学系(PAAHS)有20名全职和兼职教师. Through this department, 学生将为从事卫生管理工作做好准备, 健康信息管理, and Pharmacy. 该系的教职员工住在纳布里特科学楼和校园里的格雷大厅. 教师的研究兴趣包括戒烟, mental health, 药物治疗管理, 跨专业教育(IPE). Recognizing that inequalities in access to health services and the unequal burden of disease are at the forefront of problems in healthcare, 公共卫生政策委员会已将健康差异课程纳入课程. Faculty in the department and in the College’s experiential program participate in the University’s Study Abroad program and have led two-week excursions arranged during summer months. 学校鼓励学生考虑出国留学,以丰富他们的教育经历. 过去,学生们曾访问过加勒比和非洲国家. 该项目正在扩大到其他国家. 旅行可以获得课程学分,学生也可以获得一些资助.

The undergraduate 健康信息管理 (HIM) program at Texas Southern University provides its students with a solid business and information systems background as well as a broad healthcare foundation. 该计划是由健康信息学和信息管理教育认证委员会(CAHIIM)认证的。. 健康信息管理专业人员担任许多不同的角色, 然而,它们都有一个共同的目标:提供可靠而准确的信息,推动医疗保健行业的发展. 健康信息管理(HIM)专业人员是专注于使用的专家, integrity, availability and privacy of health information to facilitate real-time healthcare delivery and make critical health related decisions for multiple purposes such as finance, law, research, 以及跨多种类型的组织和学科的战略规划. The HIM program is a great undergraduate program for students interested in becoming marketable and pursuing a career right after graduation or for those students interested in going directly to graduate or professional school.

Health Administration
本科健康管理(HA)项目成立于1982年. 它是由健康管理大学项目协会(AUPHA)认证的. Its faculty, including adjuncts, 通过出版为专业做出贡献, grant acquisition, presentations, 从专业组织到国家委员会都有董事会任命, 比如德州社区卫生工作者认证项目, 卫生行政出版社, 美国医疗保健主管学院, 以及疾病控制和预防中心. Graduates from the undergraduate Health Administration (HA) programs are poised to oversee the management and delivery of health services.

Healthcare Administration
Masters in Healthcare Administration (MHCA) at Texas Southern University provides students with the knowledge and skills to manage as a health care professional. 学生学习如何在医疗机构管理, how to deal with personnel, 以及如何解释和遵守影响医疗保健提供者的法律, 管理员和组织. 组织方面的课程, information systems and financial management are combined with human relations and health care issues to provide the student with a comprehensive set of skills for advancing in the profession of health care administration. 该计划准备个人在当代卫生保健组织和系统的领导地位.

Pharmacy Administration
The Department’s Pharmacy Administration faculty jointly with faculty in the 药学实践系 and Clinical Health Sciences offer pharmacy administration and management courses required in the College’s Doctor of Pharmacy Program (PharmD). The department’s faculty also support the experiential program and practice sites and collaborate to meet the educational needs of COPHS students via the Interdisciplinary Health Professions Simulation Center at the College. 药学管理学院领导了学院的跨专业教育(IPE)计划, including establishing an interprofessional geriatrics education and training consortium to engage primary care providers and the full spectrum of healthcare and community health professionals in a highly targeted integrated geriatrics and primary care training model to improve health outcomes for older adults.
药学系 & 环境健康科学  Open
药学实践系 & Clinical Health Sciences  Open